Maps Driving Directions provides accurate driving directions to a location with travel time, distance, and traffic conditions. Find a place and recommend the best route. is an independent website that is not in any way affiliated with or sponsored by Mapquest. For the official Mapquest services, please visit
With Maps driving directions, it's no longer difficult to find the best route to a particular place. You can be informed of road conditions, traffic updates, driving directions, and more.
It's now easy for you to find the shortest and fastest route to your location. The tool can be used as a direction guide or a route planner. Even if you have many stops on your journey, it does not matter.
This feature gives you the available routes to a specific location.
You will see the recommended route and driving directions on the left side of the screen.
This feature allows you to find places that offer specific services, including hotels, food, coffee, shopping, gas, and parking.
The free online service can provide you with accurate and up-to-date driving directions for any destination in the world. In detail, how can Maps directions help you?
Mapquest provides users with accurate and up-to-date navigation to anywhere in the world. It helps ensure you never lose your way. Compared to other online direction services like Google Maps, Wave, and more, Mapquest Directions stands out as a great navigation tool for those who prefer simplicity. It offers a user-friendly interface, real-time traffic updates, customizable routes, and detailed maps.
Find any address or city and get instant directions.
You will no longer be confused when you travel to another city. The tool can help you find any place, from coffee, hotels to gas stations or parking spots. Moreover, you also get instant directions with a recommendation of the best route. This lets you save travel time and avoid roads under maintenance or with traffic accidents.
Choose from different means of transport to find the most convenient route.
Using the tool, you can choose from different modes of transport, including car, truck, bike, and walk. Since not all routes are favorable for all means of transport, it is essential to suggest the best route for each particular vehicle. You should, therefore, pick your preferred option to get the best route recommendation. Additionally, this feature helps you avoid wasting time driving an inappropriate route.
Provide live traffic updates, road conditions, and an estimated travel time.
How can you know the traffic situation, road conditions, as well as travel time to a new place on your first visit? That is the reason why our tool is supported with this feature. It is of benefit in minimizing the chance of encountering unexpected problems along the way and having a smooth trip.
Get turn-by-turn navigation.
For each suggested route, users will have trip route details. It includes turn-by-turn navigation, which allows you to know where you ought to make a turn, how long you should drive straight, and in which direction your destination is. You don't have to worry about getting lost in a strange place.
Offer more than one route for users to pick and compare them by duration, distance, and traffic condition.
There may be multiple routes available for you to get to a particular place. However, because the geographical distance, travel time, and traffic conditions are different, one route may be better than the others to travel. Therefore, it is completely understandable that Maps directions provide users with more than one route option. You can weigh the pros and cons to choose the best route for your trip.
Save a good place for the next return.
If you detect a place that offers good service, you can save it for your next return. Next time, you will not have to take the time to search for it. You can also use it to recommend it to your friends so they have a good first-time experience.
Share your directions with others.
Maps driving directions comes with the feature of direction sharing. Accordingly, you can copy the link and share it with others. Your friends can know where you are, how you drive, and what direction you are going. This share can be sent via email, text, or social media.
Wish you safe driving and a good trip.